Isaiah Oufiero - Lessons on lifting, being a good person, mindset and family
T.S: Congratulations on being selected as the TS athlete of the week!
I.O: Thank you
T.S: How do you think that going to T.S over the summer has affected you and your play over the past couple of years?
I.O: I definitely feel stronger and faster each year and that helps on the field.
T.S: Missing your junior year was a big deal because it's kind of a stepping stone for high school football, how do you think that affected you?
I.O: It kinda taught me that you can't take anything for granted. One second everythings normal and the next day could go horribly wrong so every time you get the chance to play or practice you gotta bust your ass. You never know which play could be your last.
T.S: The family-bond of Viking football is a really strong culture, how has that grown over the past 4 years? And how does that help you and your team?
I.O: We have a bond like no other, waking up every morning in the summer and going and putting in the work with your brothers really brings you together. We’ve all had chemistry since we were little so I think that helps us too.
T.S: Beating Bonny Eagle is a huge piece of the puzzle for your State bid, they’re the defending state champs, what does that mean for you guys?
I.O: It's an amazing feeling and hopefully we can take the momentum and use it for the rest of the season.
T.S: You’ve been picked as a team captain this year, what do you think is the hardest part and the easiest part of being a captain?
I.O: Being selected as a captain is an honor but the way I see it is either people want to follow you or they don't. Even if I were not selected as a captain it wouldn't stop me from doing what I do.
T.S:I Know that you also play basketball and baseball, is there anything that you use in those sports that you learned or gained from TS?
I.O: Surprisingly, I learned a lot about lifting but more about being a good person, mindset, and family. Coach Wall is a brother to me and I would give my life for that man.
T.S: Obviously this is your senior year, do you have any future plans for after high school?
I.O: I want to play college football somewhere and then I would like to join the military and serve overseas. After that I would like to be a bartender and open up my own bar.